New Covenant Patriarchy

New Book: They Shall Be One Flesh

Dear readers:

Just a note to let everyone understand that “They Sall Be One Flesh” is a book IN PROGRESS and is not the finished version. This book is being written essentially in public before your eyes. Feedback of any kind is welcome, including proofreading observations.
Tom Shipley

The simple fact of the matter is, the Church to this day has NEVER developed a systematic and biblically faithful doctrine of sex and marriage. Readers may find it incredulous that a subject of such import should have suffered such neglect.

Yes, I know, the bookshelves of modern Christian bookstores are replete with “practical” treatments of husband/wife relations and “how-to” manuals from a Christian perspective. Marriage seminars abound. Christian radio and television and internet websites go on for 24 hours a day on the subject. Josh McDowell fills stadiums full of men who come home with a zeal to do it God’s way. Yet, for all this, there is, and always has been, a curious dearth of solid doctrinal treatments of the subject. To my way of thinking, this is a positive scandal.

… Have we allowed unbiblical, non-biblical and anti-biblical systems of thought to corrupt our doctrines of sex and marriage?

As I have pointed out in Volume 1 of this series, the modern Church is way off base in all its major branches concerning the doctrines of patriarchy and polygyny. As a consequence, the Church is compromised in its approach to and handling of modern feminism, as well as its understanding of the biblical definition of adultery. The legacy of ancient pagan Rome is still very much with us today. We in the West are their direct lineal descendants in more than one way. We ARE their children.

This Volume and the one that preceded it is offered to the Church as a belated treatment of the subjects at hand—I say belated because Athanasius or Augustine or Luther, good Biblicists of the past, should have provided such a work to the Church long ago. It is long past time to cast off the yoke of Rome.

They_Shall_Be_One_Flesh.pdf Free to download.

Now expanded to 112 pages (1/23/2010).

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