New Covenant Patriarchy

Category: New Covenant Patriarchy…

New Covenant Patriarchy and the Two Dougs

How Reconstruction got squelched and how it will be revived again. Building on the work of Cornelius VanTil, the world’s greatest modern philosopher, RJ Rushdoony developed Christian Reconstruction, a family oriented understanding of Biblical Law and authority.  While it took him a life time to publish and explain it, it took only a few years…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Life

The first command of God – a prime directive – is to be fruitful and multiply.  Strict monogamy restricts the obedience to and fulfillment of this command. Do you know of any perfect or even near perfect fathers?  If you do please tell us all about him since I know I am not and I…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Creation

Strict monogamy and the doctrine of evolution are fellow travellers and not-so-strange bedfellows. An unspoken presupposition in our anti-polygynous church culture (anything but polygyny!) is that, “Yes you can find polygyny in Scripture, but that was in the primitive bad old days of a proto-Christian society when the great patriarchs of old were still living…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Prerequisite Reading

Theonomy and Christian Ethics by Greg Bahnsen Institutes of Biblical Law by R J Rushdoony Principles of Conduct by John Murray Also note that the context for the practice of Biblical polygyny is a theonomic law-order encompassing the families and churches involved.  In other words, do not try this out of context. Furthermore, this book is only one of a series that…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Divorce as Punishment

Choice Tidbits from the Book: Page 171 Murray cites Matthew 19:3-8 and Mark 10:2-9, “for the hardness of your hearts,” in support of this assertion pertaining to divorce. But does Murray correctly apprehend Christ’s meaning here? And even if he does, do these observations about divorce necessarily apply also to polygamy? It is my contention…

New Covenant Patriarchy and First Wives

What is the concern over and over again in Scripture with regard to men and their wives: do not deal treacherously with the wife of your youth. Malachi 2:14 Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Feminism

Choice Tidbits from the Book: Page 252 For those who may be prone to excuse feminists because they think that feminist scholars are simply ignorant of the Bible and the issues involved, rather than consciously attempting to subvert the message of the Bible, consider these comments of Russell: “Feminists of the Jewish and Christian faiths are faced…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Idolatry

Most of the so called “polygyny movement” is in fact idolatry.  One correct doctrine does not a friend of God make.  Mohammedans believe in polygyny as do sects of Mormons and others.  What good does it do them?  Nothing more than believing in strict monogamy does anyone. God is not desparate that you believe in…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Authority

Authorities must respect each other and pressure each other to reform when necessary. Patriarchs are the authorities in their households. When their authority is undermined by the church or state or other institutions then all authority is hurt since the home is the training ground for the rest of life. To say that a man…

New Covenant Patriarchal Husband

Easton’s Bible Dictionary defines husband thus: Husband i.e., the “house-band,” connecting and keeping together the whole family. A man when betrothed was esteemed from that time a husband (Matt. 1:16, 20; Luke 2:5). A recently married man was exempt from going to war for “one year” (Deut. 20:7; 24:5).   From the KJV Old Testament…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Love

Confusion reigns in the hearts of Christians when it comes to understanding what the Bible means when it talks about love.  The good news is that its a misunderstanding that is easily corrected. Law and love are often put at odds with each other in the preaching we hear.  “Doctrine is important but love is more important.”…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Maturity

Could there be anything sadder than the infantile, pathetic, and schizophrenic hostility to God’s Law demonstrated by Christian churches today? We have a new vacuum cleaner at home and it really works. It is just great. It has a great design, a strong motor, a functional set of attachments; it is light, easy to use,…

New Covenant Patriarchy in Context

The list of problems of life under Satan in our time is getting stinkier and longer and deeper into the realm of “I just can’t take it anymore.”  Having, almost universally, in the church and out of it, decided that God’s Law is the last thing we could want in our lives, God is granting…

New Covenant Patriarchal Creed

1. I believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Law of God, the walking Torah of YHWH, and the source of all definition, purpose, and meaning and that the Law of God is the Character of God writ large in the Scriptures for our benefit. 2. I believe that the Law of God as…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Children

Children are the forgotten victims of the abandonment of YHWH’s Law regarding marriage.  Being made in the image of God we long for a Father.  God our Father created us this way and thus gave children an earthly father to be a picture of their heavenly Father.  A father who does not abandon them, who…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Relationships

Relationships with other people make us richer. Well, I should qualify that. Those relationships based on God’s Law make us richer. Those that are not make us poorer. All the relationships where all the parties to the relationship are in accord with God’s LawWord are win-win relationships. It is in this respect that I will…