New Covenant Patriarchy

New Covenant Patriarchy and Maturity

Could there be anything sadder than the infantile, pathetic, and schizophrenic hostility to God’s Law demonstrated by Christian churches today?

We have a new vacuum cleaner at home and it really works. It is just great. It has a great design, a strong motor, a functional set of attachments; it is light, easy to use, and cleans like crazy. But, of course without electricity it is just so much dead weight. Then again we have plugs all over the house and without that vacuum cleaner all that electricity does no good whatsoever.

Through the resurrection of Christ we have the greatest source of transforming power there is. But without God’s Law it does no good whatsoever. Yes, you might gets some sparks to fly and create a little heat but you will not actually get any work done. You need God’s Law, the character of Christ writ large, to take that dynamic power of the resurrection of Christ and have it actually transform you and the world around you into His image.

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