New Covenant Patriarchy

Man and Woman in Biblical Law

II: They Shall Be One Flesh by Dr. Tom Shipley Purchase your copy of Part 1 here: Download or read Part 2 here: Deep Dive Podcast by NotebookLM Summary Dr. Shipley argues about whether the Bible mandates monogamy or allows for polygamy. His book, “They Shall Be One Flesh,” argues that sexual relations constitute…

Man and Woman in Biblical Law

I: Resurrecting the Biblical Family by Dr. Tom Shipley Purchase your copy of Part 1 here: Deep Dive Podcast by NotebookLM Summary The text is a collection of essays written by Tom Shipley, a proponent of Christian Patriarchy, arguing that Biblical law permits polygamy. Shipley asserts that patriarchal order was established by God from the…

Patriarchy or Tyranny

“[Doug] Wilson has even written that if a white girl in his church wanted to marry a black man, but her father refused to give his permission, he and the elders would order the father to approve, and if he didn’t, they would excommunicate him.” Weakening the authority of the patriarch and his family has…

Tom Shipley – Doctor of Patriarchy

Never before has the world needed Biblical patriarchy as it does now.  Thank God for Tom Shipley to teach us this doctrine. A “Doctor” is one who knows his doctrine so well that he is able to teach it qualitatively.  Usually a man is only able to be a true doctor in one area since the field…

Working the Delta

The Delta is that difference between the standard God has set for us in His LawWord and where we actually are in our current state of sanctification. The standard God has set for our sanctification is not to be confused with our salvation which is already perfectly achieved and guaranteed to believers by the resurrection of Christ.  The standard…

The War on Godly Procreation

It is time to fight back. God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the earth.” God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and…

New Covenant Patriarchy and the Two Dougs

How Reconstruction got squelched and how it will be revived again. Building on the work of Cornelius VanTil, the world’s greatest modern philosopher, RJ Rushdoony developed Christian Reconstruction, a family oriented understanding of Biblical Law and authority.  While it took him a life time to publish and explain it, it took only a few years…

New Book: They Shall Be One Flesh

Dear readers: Just a note to let everyone understand that “They Sall Be One Flesh” is a book IN PROGRESS and is not the finished version. This book is being written essentially in public before your eyes. Feedback of any kind is welcome, including proofreading observations. Thanks. Tom Shipley The simple fact of the matter…

Lambs and Lions vs. Wolves and Dogs

I was all set to write on this topic and found the good fellows at: has already done a fine job of it. So I am referring to their article here. Clash of Cultures The polygynous pattern is found throughout Scripture, whether talking about the husband (head of the household) and the wives, or…

Is Tom Promoting Polyandry?

Objection: The following verse speaks metaphorically of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is rejoiced over by God as His bride and His bride is married to men. According to Tom’s logic, this supports a wife getting husbands! In other words, it overturns the law against adultery. In addition, those husbands are the woman’s own sons! In other words…

“Polygamy is not a sin but monogamy is the ideal”

Another similar objection I have encountered is the claim that, “Though the Bible permits polygamy, monogamy is the ideal.” This argument is not so much an “objection” against polygamy since it concedes the essential point, as it is a subversion of the biblical concept of morality. Morality is that which is permitted by Divine Law;…

Table of Contents for Man and Woman in Biblical Law

Preface Introduction Article 1: How Feminism Denies the Gospel Article 2: Patriarchy Before the Fall, Part 1 Article 3: Patriarchy Before the Fall, Part 2 Article 4: Patriarchy Before the Fall, Part 3 Article 5: Patriarchy Before the Fall, Part 4 Article 6: Patriarchy Before the Fall, Part 5 Article 7: Patriarchy Before the Fall,…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Life

The first command of God – a prime directive – is to be fruitful and multiply.  Strict monogamy restricts the obedience to and fulfillment of this command. Do you know of any perfect or even near perfect fathers?  If you do please tell us all about him since I know I am not and I…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Creation

Strict monogamy and the doctrine of evolution are fellow travellers and not-so-strange bedfellows. An unspoken presupposition in our anti-polygynous church culture (anything but polygyny!) is that, “Yes you can find polygyny in Scripture, but that was in the primitive bad old days of a proto-Christian society when the great patriarchs of old were still living…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Prerequisite Reading

Theonomy and Christian Ethics by Greg Bahnsen Institutes of Biblical Law by R J Rushdoony Principles of Conduct by John Murray Also note that the context for the practice of Biblical polygyny is a theonomic law-order encompassing the families and churches involved.  In other words, do not try this out of context. Furthermore, this book is only one of a series that…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Divorce as Punishment

Choice Tidbits from the Book: Page 171 Murray cites Matthew 19:3-8 and Mark 10:2-9, “for the hardness of your hearts,” in support of this assertion pertaining to divorce. But does Murray correctly apprehend Christ’s meaning here? And even if he does, do these observations about divorce necessarily apply also to polygamy? It is my contention…

New Covenant Patriarchy and First Wives

What is the concern over and over again in Scripture with regard to men and their wives: do not deal treacherously with the wife of your youth. Malachi 2:14 Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Feminism

Choice Tidbits from the Book: Page 252 For those who may be prone to excuse feminists because they think that feminist scholars are simply ignorant of the Bible and the issues involved, rather than consciously attempting to subvert the message of the Bible, consider these comments of Russell: “Feminists of the Jewish and Christian faiths are faced…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Idolatry

Most of the so called “polygyny movement” is in fact idolatry.  One correct doctrine does not a friend of God make.  Mohammedans believe in polygyny as do sects of Mormons and others.  What good does it do them?  Nothing more than believing in strict monogamy does anyone. God is not desparate that you believe in…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Authority

Authorities must respect each other and pressure each other to reform when necessary. Patriarchs are the authorities in their households. When their authority is undermined by the church or state or other institutions then all authority is hurt since the home is the training ground for the rest of life. To say that a man…

So you want to be a New Covenant Patriarch

Christ is the mediator between God and man. But what is the mediator between man and man? Is it a philosophy of some kind, a set of rules we discover over time? Is it the state as the “collective expression of the common good” (how about those bamboozle words to befuddle the despised masses)? Is…

New Covenant Patriarchal Husband

Easton’s Bible Dictionary defines husband thus: Husband i.e., the “house-band,” connecting and keeping together the whole family. A man when betrothed was esteemed from that time a husband (Matt. 1:16, 20; Luke 2:5). A recently married man was exempt from going to war for “one year” (Deut. 20:7; 24:5).   From the KJV Old Testament…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Love

Confusion reigns in the hearts of Christians when it comes to understanding what the Bible means when it talks about love.  The good news is that its a misunderstanding that is easily corrected. Law and love are often put at odds with each other in the preaching we hear.  “Doctrine is important but love is more important.”…

So you want to be a New Covenant Wife

You can be one no matter what your circumstances are.  God’s Law is the key. Being married is a lot like being a citizen of a country.  You are under the laws of the civil government.  But since this is God’s world and we are all breathing the air He made, whether you believe that…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Maturity

Could there be anything sadder than the infantile, pathetic, and schizophrenic hostility to God’s Law demonstrated by Christian churches today? We have a new vacuum cleaner at home and it really works. It is just great. It has a great design, a strong motor, a functional set of attachments; it is light, easy to use,…

Tom Shipley – Doctor of Patriarchy

Never before has the world needed Biblical patriarchy as it does now. Thank God for Tom Shipley to teach us this doctrine. A “Doctor” is one who knows his doctrine so well that he is able to teach it qualitatively. Usually a man is only able to be a true doctor in one area since…

Tom Shipley Responds … Part 1

Dear Mr. Yeager: I want to thank you so much for taking the time to respond to some of the things posted on the website, and apologize for taking so long to respond; I’ve been quite absorbed in other responsibilities for the last month or so. In any event, it may be apparent or,…

Tom Shipley Responds … Part 2

Mr. Yeager: So, what about all the men who would not be able to find wives if polygamy was allowed? The ratio of male children to female children is about 50/50. If a man has four wives, that means that there are three other men who cannot marry. In the Old Testament, the men who…

Tom Shipley Responds … Part 3

Mr. Yeager: God did not evolve his standards over time, but He did initially reduce them, because there was no way for people to meet them. In Matthew 19:8 it says, “Jesus replied, ‘Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.’” Once…

New Covenant Patriarchy in Context

The list of problems of life under Satan in our time is getting stinkier and longer and deeper into the realm of “I just can’t take it anymore.”  Having, almost universally, in the church and out of it, decided that God’s Law is the last thing we could want in our lives, God is granting…

Working the Delta

The Delta is that difference between the standard God has set for us in His LawWord and where we actually are in our current state of sanctification. The standard God has set for our sanctification is not to be confused with our salvation which is already perfectly achieved and guaranteed to believers by the resurrection of Christ.  The standard…

“If a man has two wives…” Deut. 21:15

What is God talking about here? Is polygamy Biblical? If God’s Law is a reflection of His holy, perfect character then why do most churches still teach that having more than one wife is wrong?  Is it a sin?  “Well, no,” they admit, it is not, but they nevertheless insist that it is wrong to have more than…

Socialism and Bad Theology vs Women and Children

It is becoming clear that much of the world’s misery and poverty are directly associated with the misguided war on the family.  This takes place first of all within modern Christian society doing the exact opposite of what God requires of those who would practice pure religion. It goes like this: a man with a…

New Covenant Patriarchal Creed

1. I believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Law of God, the walking Torah of YHWH, and the source of all definition, purpose, and meaning and that the Law of God is the Character of God writ large in the Scriptures for our benefit. 2. I believe that the Law of God as…

Greater vs. Lesser Laws – NOT!

There is, apparently, no end to the ways rebellious man finds to justify breaking God’s Law while claiming to keep it. So here is another. It works like this: pit one law against another by creating a false conundrum. Sometimes known by the fanciful name “Graded Absolutism,” this doctrine purports to justify the breaking of…

Judgment Day Scenarios

What will you get called up on the carpet for? Okay, project yourself into the future when you are face to face with God on Judgment Day, where we have to give an account for every idle word, and thought, and action. God is looking at you and your life is flashing before your eyes…

Marcion’s Heirs Tell It Like It Is

Yes, just before secular humanism takes the big swan dive into the dust bin of history it lays its epistemology bare and takes down those who are its strange bedfellows – modernist churches. Marcion, you may recall, is the heretic who posited an evolving God. His original writings were all destroyed but his followers have…

Men Ahead of Their Time

All of history has been predetermined by God and is working out his design, like a plant that is growing from a seed into its full flower and fruit. Thus when we read Scripture we are seeing God’s vision for that design, a world ordered according to his law as proclaimed, prophesied, and exemplified by…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Children

Children are the forgotten victims of the abandonment of YHWH’s Law regarding marriage.  Being made in the image of God we long for a Father.  God our Father created us this way and thus gave children an earthly father to be a picture of their heavenly Father.  A father who does not abandon them, who…

The Nature of Authority and Manhood

Authority has a one-to-many structure as part of its nature. If this natural structure is denied it, the authority withers and becomes impotent and twisted and will no longer provide its function or lend vitality to those in it. Can you think of any authority anywhere in history that was not based on a one-to-many…

New Covenant Patriarchy and Relationships

Relationships with other people make us richer. Well, I should qualify that. Those relationships based on God’s Law make us richer. Those that are not make us poorer. All the relationships where all the parties to the relationship are in accord with God’s LawWord are win-win relationships. It is in this respect that I will…

New Covenant Patriarchy Discussion Group

In order to facilitate greater discssion amoung the readers of the book Man and Woman in Biblical Law, we have started a discussion group at:  If you have purchased and read the book we invite you to join the discussion. I would like to add to the declaration that biblical polygyny is biblical and holy…

David and the Girls

David, son of Jesse, was a godly woman’s dream. Why? How was it that so many women wanted to marry this guy, even when he was a hunted man living in exile, even though he already had a wife and then even when he had multiple wives, they wanted him? Some how they had decided…

How to Spot a New Covenant Patriarch

When the father of a girl or a woman herself is looking for a godly man, a new covenant patriarch, how can they be sure they have found one? Now nothing is more desirable than a godly virgin woman. Men will do almost anything to win or seduce such a prize. So how does a…

The Religion of Humanism

The impotence of Christianity is due to its being infected with the rival religion of humanism.  The pure Humanists, best represented by the ACLU in the United States, chase around Christians and whip them in every battle even though they are outnumbered by 10,000 to 1 (Deut. 32:30). How can you fight a thing when…


How to apply God’s LawWord to the economic crisis we face. Christians are tempted to fall into depression and despair along with the world as we face hard economic times. But we live under a different set of rules than do those who reject the written or the walking Torah of YHWH. We live by…

The Unintentionally Single Girl and Biblical Law

Bad doctrine and the culture war have combined to frustrate many godly Christian women in their desire for a husband. The bad doctrine is not just an inherited thing that is ignorantly perpetuated by well-meaning leaders and theologians, it is intellectually protected by these men even when they have been shown the truth, such is…

How to Spot a New Covenant Wife

For you New Covenant Patriarchs out there looking for a New Covenant Wife to help you in fulfilling the Dominion Mandate, there is a special test you can apply that will, in most cases, ensure you are not getting fooled into being yoked to a feminist. Sadly, there are many well-meaning single young women who…

New Covenant Patriarchy Pledge

This pledge is for those who wish to take their patriarchal characters to a whole other level. Those who take the pledge may refer to themselves as New Covenant Patriarchs. 1. I do hereby pledge myself to make a covenant with my eyes, like Job in Job 30:1, to not look upon a maid. 2.…

Cutting off the branch you are sitting on.

Amazingly some of our fellows believe they can defend the doctrine of Biblical marriage while at the same time being free from the Law of Moses. This is done on some kind of evolutionary basis as applied to the character of YHVH.  However, to have some other source than Torah for our ideas of right…

They Shall Become One Flesh

Overview In this overview we will set out to understand what the term one flesh means. After spending many hours researching and writing I realized the constitution of a marriage must be addressed as well. However, that will be addressed in another article to come. What I can assure and this article’s assumption is, if…

Economic and Political Implications of Polygyny

Politics is religion applied to economics.  No wonder then that the doctrine of monogamania has economic and political implications that, when understood, make our problems and their solutions clear. Monogamania comes from a denial of hierarchy and biblical law as Tom Shipley has shown. This leads to an egalitarianism where men and woman are supposed…

The Success of Feminism, the Rape of Women

Political Correctness = Self-Abasement By teaching women to hate their men, culture, and Biblical patriarchy, Feminism has cleared the way for foreign men to rape and conquer them. This is not only true in Europe but in America as statistics make clear. In the upside down world of Humanism, success means slow motion suicide. Having found the soft underbelly…

How Strict Monogamy Forces Miscegenation

Whether it is ethnic, cultural, or religious, strict monogamy is responsible for miscegenation.  Biblical polygyny would wipe out this sad phenomenon virtually over night. Amazingly, those who complain loudest about miscegenation complain just as loudly about polygamy. Here is how it works. Lower class males are always anxious to marry higher class women. They get…

Choosing the right man – the life and death importance of getting it right.

Violence against women, documented and convicted in courts of law: The first command to covenant man in Scripture is: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Men in rebellion against God and His LawWord will be at war with procreation, and work to frustrate the designs of creation. They are at war with reality…

John 4 the Samaritan Woman and the One flesh Thesis

JOHN 4: THE SAMARITAN WOMAN The following is a sample from my book, They Shall Be One Flesh, along with a comment from one of the members of our Yahoo group, newcovenantpatriarchy@yahoogroups. The Commentators: #3, Paul E. Steele and Charles C. Ryrie + Yahoo NCP post Copyright 2010 by Tom Shipley All Rights Reserved   3 He…

Link to Vol I AND Vol II of Man & Woman in Biblical Law

Hello, members: This is a friendly reminder that this link; connects you with the site where BOTH Volumes of Man and Woman in Biblical Law, including the new They Shall Be One Flesh, may be purchased. Both volumes in downloadable PDF format may be purchased for $20. The second Volume is not available in printed from. The…

From the Back Cover

From the back cover: “For by a secret law of nature, things that stand chief love to be singular; but things that are subject are set under, not only one under one, but, if the system of nature or society allow, even several under one, not without becoming beauty. For neither hath one slave so…

Man and Woman in Biblical Law

The Institute for Christian Patriarchy is happy to announce the availability of: Man and Woman in Biblical Law by Tom Shipley Second Edition ISBN Number: 978-0-557-52900-1 Complete Scripture and Topical Indices $28.50 – Paper Back Edition $  9.99 – Downloadable File Click here for Patriarchy Bookstore Book Information: Paperback: 285 pages Binding: Perfect-Bound Binding Date: June 2010 Publisher:…

What is the BIBLICAL definition of Adultery?

What is the BIBLICAL definition of adultery? As Christians, we believe that the Bible is the inerrant, all-sufficient Word of God. God’s Word is the arbiter of all truth. It is the ultimate DEFINER of all things. We should not be deriving our definitions of biblical subjects from popular dictionaries. I once was discussing this…