New Covenant Patriarchy

New Covenant Patriarchy and Children

Children are the forgotten victims of the abandonment of YHWH’s Law regarding marriage.  Being made in the image of God we long for a Father.  God our Father created us this way and thus gave children an earthly father to be a picture of their heavenly Father.  A father who does not abandon them, who models self-government, honor, honesty, truthfulness, giving of himself for his family, moral and religious leadership, courage and strength.  In other words, a man who cares for his family according to YHWH’s LawWord, a fixed and unwavering, predictable standard of right and wrong, external to himself and to which he is accountable.  (A man our humanist culture is incapable of portraying.  At war with YHWH they are also at war with His image in man.)

Women who find themselves widowed or abandoned must not deny a father to their children just because the only good ones are already married.  Neither should they let the state or church convince them of the doctrine of demons (1 Timothy 4:1-3) that forbids marriage.

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