New Covenant Patriarchy

New Covenant Patriarchy and the Purpose of History

What is the purpose of life anyway?  You have always wanted to know.  Well here it is.

God is in the process of making citizens fit for His Kingdom – that is, the place where Christ will rule in the hearts and through the thoughts, words, and deeds of His people, one local jurisdiction after another.  Since God totally controls history there is no question about whether He will be able to bring His Kingdom to pass, but the timing and events that bring it about are His business, not ours.

These citizens will have the laws of this kingdom written on their hearts.  The laws of this kingdom are revealed to us now in the enscripturated word of God.  It is the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit that makes it possible to take law-breakers like ourselves and transform them into law-keepers.

For now two kingdoms co-exist: Satan’s kingdom which is granted limited power and authority over sinners (law-breakers), and God’s Kingdom which is granted greater power and authority and which we are told will roll back Satan’s kingdom till it is out of power and whose last vestiges (death) Christ himself will come to defeat and then manifest His Kingdom fully.

In the meantime all of our reality is put in place to provide a kind of boot camp for God’s soldiers; it is a training ground for us to prove our metal.  What do you learn in boot-camp?  In a word, obedience.  Obedience to proper authority – God’s enscripturated LawWord.  Obedience that is heart-felt and whole-hearted.  “Not my will, but thy will be done.”  We are not here for our own pleasure and reality is not a mechanism for our convenience but for the production of citizens each of whom is a walking Torah of God.

Imagine if a foreigner came to the United States in 1800 or so and everyone he met could not only tell him the laws of land but would go out of his way to help him understand how to fully obey them and enjoy the freedom they gave him to work within those laws an benefit from them.  There would be no police (there weren’t actually) to make sure everybody kept the laws because in effect everyone was his own policeman and a policeman to others if need be.  So was America a police-state in 1800?  Hardly.  Was it a self-policing society?  Quite so.  Self-propagating self-government was the order of the day.  Parents taught their children and tithe agencies taught new immigrants to be Christian through and through.  We need to do the same with an even better understanding of what it means to be Christian.

So where is a tithe agency when you need one?  Since few people tithe anymore, and even then give it to polite social clubs and their building programs, there aren’t any.  But there are a few people who tithe.  That is what created and published this website and the book it offers.

So welcome to boot-camp.  Now straighten that spine, get your training manual, and lets get cracking soldier. Because we are going to take you bunch of ladies and turn you into patriarchs worthy of the name!

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