New Covenant Patriarchy

New Covenant Patriarchy and Divorce as Punishment

Choice Tidbits from the Book: Page 171

Murray cites Matthew 19:3-8 and Mark 10:2-9, “for the hardness of your hearts,” in support of this assertion pertaining to divorce. But does Murray correctly apprehend Christ’s meaning here? And even if he does, do these observations about divorce necessarily apply also to polygamy? It is my contention that Murray misunderstands this clause; Christ does not mean, “Because of the hardness of your hearts, God permitted you the sins of divorce and polygamy.” He is saying, “Because hard-hearted men and women commit adultery, it is necessary to institute divorce as punishment upon the adulterers. But God’s creation purpose is for marriages to be permanent. The divorce provision of the Law is not meant to be exercised upon whimsical demand.” That is the true meaning of Christ’s words in Matthew 19.

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