New Covenant Patriarchy

New Covenant Patriarchy and Authority

Authorities must respect each other and pressure each other to reform when necessary.

Patriarchs are the authorities in their households. When their authority is undermined by the church or state or other institutions then all authority is hurt since the home is the training ground for the rest of life. To say that a man may not have more than one wife is like saying an employer may not have more than one employee, or a general may not have more than one colonel, or a rooster may not have more than one hen. It is undermines authority and God’s created order.

Likewise, when those under the authority of a patriarch are never given an example of proper submission to that patriarch, especially by his wife (wives), then the household is in a state of upheaval, rebellion, and disorder since her authority over the children is thereby undermined; it is hellish to that extent.

To restore patriarchal authority it is first necesary that those in authority place themselves in proper submission to authorities that are over them. The ultimate source of authority is God’s LawWord. Thus an authority is righteous when it is in harmony with God’s LawWord.

Satan has authority granted to him by Christ (to whom was given all authority and power) to rule over those who are in rebellion against Christ and His LawWord. This includes Christians to the extent that continue to live double lives of real confession and some righteous acts but continual adherence to Lawless practices and values as well.

To escape the domain of Satan and his tyranny you must not only believe and practice God’s LawWord but you must take a public stand for the rule of Christ in every area of life thus putting pressure on the other authorities to reform themselves to their proper Biblical role of service to those under them. In doing so you and your family and your other realms of authority will be held blameless by God for the iniquity of the rebels around you. You will then be transferred to the domain of Christ and His blessings will overtake you.

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