New Covenant Patriarchy

David and the Girls

David, son of Jesse, was a godly woman’s dream.

Why? How was it that so many women wanted to marry this guy, even when he was a hunted man living in exile, even though he already had a wife and then even when he had multiple wives, they wanted him?

Some how they had decided that a piece of David was worth more than all of a lesser man, and certainly better than an ungodly man. In the case of Abigail, her ungodly husband became so distraught over his wife’s service of hospitality to David and her thinking so highly of him that he became stupified until God killed him. Then she jumped at the opportunity to be David’s wife.


Consider what should a godly woman want in a man if she could have the very best. Now if she wants what an ungodly woman would want, like riches and good looks and so on, that is nothing noteworthy. But what should she want in a man that would be different from what an ungodly woman would want?

A godly woman should want a godly man, a man after Yahweh’s own heart, a man who says to Yahweh, “Thy will be done” and does it. A man who empties himself of his own will and submits himself in enthusiastic conformity to Yahweh’s character as revealed in His Word. A man who loves Yahweh’s LawWord and thinks, says, and does it and teaches others to do the same.

Why submit yourself to a man who is not himself submitted to Yahweh? Do you hope to change him? Only the Holy Spirit can change someone. We cannot force this. Scripture states very plainly that we are not to be unequally yoked. You must not lower your standards and hope for the best. Rather you are to be as true to Scripture as possible and throw yourself at a godly man, even if he is already married, and ask him if he will allow you to take his name for yourself and let you be his woman and the mother of your children (Isaiah 4:1) even if it means providing for yourself without the benefit of a dowry.

Be like the godly women of old (1st Peter 3:5,6) who called their husband lord. If you cannot imagine calling a certain man ‘lord’ or ‘master’ then don’t marry him. Don’t initiate a marriage in disobedience! What good can come of that?

Imagine contremplating moving to another country. If the laws of that country are so onerous and the government so tyrannical or there is just plain lawlessness and chaos or some hellish mixture of the two why would you want to move there? If you could move to a country where Yahweh’s LawWord reigned supreme and the leader was a servant of God ruling in terms of Scripture would that not be the way to go? Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Good things come to those who obey Yahweh and no sorrow is added with it. Trust Yahweh and obey Him; do not trust those who forbid marriage (a doctrine of demons) in the Lord. Monogamania is, at its root, demonic. Do not trust those who try to get you to lower your standards and destroy your hope for a godly husband.

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