New Covenant Patriarchy

Category: Commentary

Working the Delta

The Delta is that difference between the standard God has set for us in His LawWord and where we actually are in our current state of sanctification. The standard God has set for our sanctification is not to be confused with our salvation which is already perfectly achieved and guaranteed to believers by the resurrection of Christ.  The standard…

Lambs and Lions vs. Wolves and Dogs

I was all set to write on this topic and found the good fellows at: has already done a fine job of it. So I am referring to their article here. Clash of Cultures The polygynous pattern is found throughout Scripture, whether talking about the husband (head of the household) and the wives, or…

Working the Delta

The Delta is that difference between the standard God has set for us in His LawWord and where we actually are in our current state of sanctification. The standard God has set for our sanctification is not to be confused with our salvation which is already perfectly achieved and guaranteed to believers by the resurrection of Christ.  The standard…

Socialism and Bad Theology vs Women and Children

It is becoming clear that much of the world’s misery and poverty are directly associated with the misguided war on the family.  This takes place first of all within modern Christian society doing the exact opposite of what God requires of those who would practice pure religion. It goes like this: a man with a…

Judgment Day Scenarios

What will you get called up on the carpet for? Okay, project yourself into the future when you are face to face with God on Judgment Day, where we have to give an account for every idle word, and thought, and action. God is looking at you and your life is flashing before your eyes…

Men Ahead of Their Time

All of history has been predetermined by God and is working out his design, like a plant that is growing from a seed into its full flower and fruit. Thus when we read Scripture we are seeing God’s vision for that design, a world ordered according to his law as proclaimed, prophesied, and exemplified by…

The Nature of Authority and Manhood

Authority has a one-to-many structure as part of its nature. If this natural structure is denied it, the authority withers and becomes impotent and twisted and will no longer provide its function or lend vitality to those in it. Can you think of any authority anywhere in history that was not based on a one-to-many…

New Covenant Patriarchy Discussion Group

In order to facilitate greater discssion amoung the readers of the book Man and Woman in Biblical Law, we have started a discussion group at:  If you have purchased and read the book we invite you to join the discussion. I would like to add to the declaration that biblical polygyny is biblical and holy…

David and the Girls

David, son of Jesse, was a godly woman’s dream. Why? How was it that so many women wanted to marry this guy, even when he was a hunted man living in exile, even though he already had a wife and then even when he had multiple wives, they wanted him? Some how they had decided…


How to apply God’s LawWord to the economic crisis we face. Christians are tempted to fall into depression and despair along with the world as we face hard economic times. But we live under a different set of rules than do those who reject the written or the walking Torah of YHWH. We live by…

The Unintentionally Single Girl and Biblical Law

Bad doctrine and the culture war have combined to frustrate many godly Christian women in their desire for a husband. The bad doctrine is not just an inherited thing that is ignorantly perpetuated by well-meaning leaders and theologians, it is intellectually protected by these men even when they have been shown the truth, such is…